Monday, December 7, 2009

i belong to Allah

salam. this morning i was so afraid to check my exam result. i refused to know it until this evening. alhamdulillah i can pursue to year 2 next year. it was beyond words. was speechless for a moment. it's something i never expect of. how generous He is. i know i'm not a good servant of His. i did actually lose my hope towards Him for a while during the exam week. i did feel that medicine is just unbearable and is not for me sometimes. i did actually give up. i did think that the memory space in our brain is just not enough for all those anatomy stuff. i often disobey Him. but then, He is so nice to me. He still gives me His blessings. He stil gives me things that i think are just unreachable. He created me. He knows me better than i know myself. He knows i can get through this. then i should believe in myself. all praises are just for You. my Lord, i seek for Your forgiveness. my Lord, i am indeed belonged to you. guide me in every steps that i take. amin.

وَلَقَدْ خَلَقْنَا الإِنسَـنَ وَنَعْلَمُ مَا تُوَسْوِسُ بِهِ نَفْسُهُ وَنَحْنُ أَقْرَبُ إِلَيْهِ مِنْ حَبْلِ الْوَرِيدِ
And indeed We have created man, and We know what his self whispers to him. And We are nearer to him than his jugular vein (50:16)