roses by lisa lins of Deviantart
what do they have in common? i’d found the answer throughout my journey in ramadhan. being a daei never stop myself from receiving obstacles form my Lord. in fact, it’s indeed a tougher one. tougher to be fought against. and it’s more and more tougher in Ramadhan, the blessed month. when everyone else is busy increasing their amal and ibadah, i have to strive hard against this difficult hurdle. i have to fight against myself. but…why?
“Whatsoever is in the heavens and whatsoever is on the earth glorifies Allah. And He is the Almighty, the All-Wise.O you who believe! Why do you say that which you do not do.Most hateful it is with Allah that you say that which you do not do.” (61:1-3)
Allah is teaching me to APPLY in my life things i’d been preaching of. so that i wont be those whom He hates. subhanAllah. He purposely puts myself in difficult situation now just to save me from His hatefulness. Alhamdulillah. all praises are just for Him.
may You give me the strength to fight against this feeling. for all strength are from You, the Almighty Allah. aminn.
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